28 July, 2010 (20:49) | Electrics, Lining | By: pete
Require 240v sockets for when plugged into campsite mains. I considered normal domestic sockets, but thought I wanted something a little more fancier / modular. Looking around and asking on the vwt4forum, I was lead to the products from CBE components. Best / easiest supplier is www.marcleleisure.co.uk. The mounting frame (the bit with the 3 […]
Tags: cbe, Marcleleisure, Socket
Comments: -
15 July, 2010 (21:23) | Lining | By: pete
Insulation: B&Q recyled plastic bottle insulation. www.diy.com Selected this because: It is safer / healthier than rockwool for starters; You get more for your money than the sheeps wool for B&Q; You can stuff it into holes better than polystyrene or celotex boards; It doesn’t make squeeky noises like polystyrene or celotex boards; Quicker and […]
Tags: insulation, thermal
Comments: 2
14 July, 2010 (21:50) | Lining | By: pete
Whilst the van is stripped, I thought I would look into sound proofing. It isn’t too complex a subject, just that most people complicate it. There is a difference between sound proofing and sound deadening, so you need to know what you want to do so to apply the correct method. Now I’m not going […]
Tags: dynaliner, dynamat, insulation, sound proof
Comments: 6
3 July, 2010 (21:37) | Lining | By: pete
It is amazing what a deadline can do for you, Friday 9th July I have to have the van back on the road so to tow the boat to Lee on Solent Saturday morning for the ISO National Championships (http://www.isoracing.org.uk). Along with the fact I am unfortunately on day shifts next week instead of useful […]
Tags: Carpet, Lining, Mega Van Mats, Ply
Comments: 4