4 July, 2011 (16:59) | Electrics | By: Pete
As I’m ripping out the Pioneer head unit and installing a new Zenec unit, I thought it a good opportunity to redo all the wiring to the auxillaries that I have installed over the past 5 years. Just looking at this photo gives me a headache! The bits that have been attached over the years […]
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17 June, 2011 (15:56) | Electrics | By: Pete
It’s been a year since I was last playing with the van conversion, so I’m just getting my head back into the project now the weather has recovered (he says as the rain is lashing at the window!). In a way the break has done me good, as I’ve had time over the winter to […]
Tags: 12v, 240V, charger, Contactor, Inverter, Lighting
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28 July, 2010 (20:49) | Electrics, Lining | By: pete
Require 240v sockets for when plugged into campsite mains. I considered normal domestic sockets, but thought I wanted something a little more fancier / modular. Looking around and asking on the vwt4forum, I was lead to the products from CBE components. Best / easiest supplier is www.marcleleisure.co.uk. The mounting frame (the bit with the 3 […]
Tags: cbe, Marcleleisure, Socket
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15 July, 2010 (22:32) | Electrics | By: pete
As mentioned in a previous post, I had to quickly get the van back together ready for a weekend away. On the Friday evening, I connected a 12v cig socket direct to the leisure battery with an inline fuse. This was so that I could run the cool box and not worry about the battery […]
Tags: 12v, cbe, coolbox, Leisure Battery, Marcleleisure
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28 June, 2010 (10:06) | Electrics | By: pete
Well the other week I stripped the van so I could see what was what. Had to figure out how I was going to route all the cables from the main battery to the leisure battery. The aim was to locate the leisure battery under the drivers seat. Now I know it looks very messy, […]
Tags: Isolator, Leisure Battery, Mega Fuses, RAW, Split Charge
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27 June, 2010 (17:52) | Electrics | By: pete
Best to start with what I want in the van, then we can discuss loading and ultimately battery selection. Lighting The LED’s – very bright, and designed for decking / Kitchen plinths etc. I have a box of blue and a box of white. I doubt I’ll be using all of the LED’s, but the […]
Tags: Leisure Battery, Peukert
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20 June, 2010 (05:28) | Electrics | By: pete
Charging System 12v Charging Supply The obvious plan of attack is for a VSR (Voltage Sensing Relay). The VSR is connected across the main engine battery and if the engine battery is above a threshold voltage (pre determined and set inside the VSR unit), the relay is energised and allows a positive voltage to pass […]
Tags: 240V, charger, charging, Leisure Battery, split charger, VSR
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20 June, 2010 (03:05) | Electrics | By: pete
The requirement is for Leisure Battery to be charged up either via the van battery or 240v battery charger. Electrical equipment to be supplied by the van will be: Laptop (Not always, but requirement is there); LED lighting Coolbox Battery Drills Mobile Phone Chargers Not much really.
Tags: 240V
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